Spanish Scutarii |
My Minifigs 'PB range' Carthaginians are starting to look like a proper army now with the addition of a couple of new units. These Spanish Scutarii are a mix of castings, some of which I've had to strip back to metal, others were unpainted castings. That means there at least three different styles of javelin: thick, thin and in-between!
Spanish Scutarii on the march |
Here they are marching off. Nice clear castings these with just a little pitting here and there, easily filled with green stuff. The colour scheme is the usual thing for Spaniards, white tunics with coloured borders and black cloaks. As with my other Scutarii I've gone for plain shields: my standard dark red.
Libyan spearmen |
Next up is a unit of Libyan spearman. These castings all came from the same 'batch' and have been stripped and cleaned up. Quite a lot of work with these guys: all the shields were badly distorted and/or pitted and needed skimming with green stuff, and all the faces were ripped out on one side and had to be recarved. Took ages... glad that one's off the 'to do' list.
Libyans on the march |
These guys get white shields - which is to say a light grey colour - my other unit of Libyans are the same dark red as I used on the Spaniards. The idea is that each type of battleline infantry has a different colour shield. All basing on these new units is as my usual plain green and WRG Ancients base sizes.
Gondorian Citadel Guard |
Strange looking Carthaginians... well that's because these are Minifigs Mythical Earth (ME) Gondorian Citadel Guard. I've been building an army of the ME 'bad guys' and didn't really intend to touch the 'goodies', but here's my first stab. They are a bit 'black', but I've managed to lift them a bit by painting the cloth in a lighter grey.
Citadel Guard off to do some guarding |
I had a go at a design for the shield - seven stars and a crown surmounting a white tree - but it's a tiny shield and there's a massive boss in the middle of it. Just looked a bit of a mess to be honest; so I decided to leave it plain at least for now.
With my ME figures I'm going for a matt varnish rather than the gloss I've used on the Carthaginians. I do think it looks better on the fantasy figures, even though gloss varnish - and plenty of it - was mandatory in the day.