

Tuesday 13 August 2024


This is the figure of Scipio that appeared as part of the Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars range as PBP 8  - for 'Phil Barker Personalities'. 

The model is not taken from the book despite the code designation, but forms part of a small range of 'general' figures.

The figure appears in the Miniature Figurines 72/73 catalogue and can also be found in the 75 catalogue under the same code. 

I've mounted this chap onto a PBH 221 - which is similar to the PBH 65 that he would have ridden when first issued. 

All the PBP mounted generals are rather similar in appearance and somewhat difficult to tell apart. Compare with the other PBP figures by following the PB Personalities label. 


  1. He is a very nice figure, not one I think I have ever seen before. I see what you mean about the mounted generals int PBP, they are quite similar.

  2. And no code numbers of course! I wasn't really sure what I had until I had 'the set' - but I think I've got it right in the end.
